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Timesys,9261,linux Timesys 针对于9261 发布的linux ,
Name Reference Linux Distribution for ATMEL SAM9261
Release revision 1 (2006-07-21)
This is the latest release. view: other
Description Reference Linux Distribution for ATMEL SAM9261 Processor based on the 2.6.17 kernel. This distribution is created based on the Atmel developed Linux enablement code submited to the kernel main line.
Release Notes This distribution is based on the 2.6.17 Linux kernel with the enablement code from Atmel, submitted recently to the kernel main line.
This distribution provides limited driver support (serial and ethernet)
答 1: re主线核上的2.6.17里面并没有9261的支持,好久以前就说有了,现在还是没有,是不是忽悠大家? 答 2: 这格Timesys的linux是不是随便下载的还是收费的? 答 3: 可以免费下载你注册以后是可以免费下载,如果有需要的话, 也可以邮件联系我,
Release revision 1 (2006-07-21)
This is the latest release. view: other
Description Reference Linux Distribution for ATMEL SAM9261 Processor based on the 2.6.17 kernel. This distribution is created based on the Atmel developed Linux enablement code submited to the kernel main line.
Release Notes This distribution is based on the 2.6.17 Linux kernel with the enablement code from Atmel, submitted recently to the kernel main line.
This distribution provides limited driver support (serial and ethernet)
答 1: re主线核上的2.6.17里面并没有9261的支持,好久以前就说有了,现在还是没有,是不是忽悠大家? 答 2: 这格Timesys的linux是不是随便下载的还是收费的? 答 3: 可以免费下载你注册以后是可以免费下载,如果有需要的话, 也可以邮件联系我,
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