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lpc2131,iap lpc2131 iap例程编译出错

testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function ResetInit as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function Undefined as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function SoftwareInterrupt as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function PrefetchAbort as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function DataAbort as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function FIQ_Handler as the image contains 'IW' functions. 答 1: re:请直接将光盘上的IAP_test工程目录复制到D:\下,再打开编译调试(使用ADS1.2软件编译).
答 2: 问题解决了
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function ResetInit as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function Undefined as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function SoftwareInterrupt as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function PrefetchAbort as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function DataAbort as the image contains 'IW' functions.
testiap.axf: Error: L6241E: startup.o(vectors) CANnot use the address of '~IW' function FIQ_Handler as the image contains 'IW' functions. 答 1: re:请直接将光盘上的IAP_test工程目录复制到D:\下,再打开编译调试(使用ADS1.2软件编译).
答 2: 问题解决了
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