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real,view,FIQ 请大侠帮忙解决real view中FIQ中断的问题。
答 1:
看看keil的帮助:The following C code implements an empty FIQ_Handler:
__irq void FIQ_Handler (void) {
In the Startup Code the following modification is required to call this FIQ_Handler:
Vectors LDR PC, Reset_Addr
LDR PC, FIQ_Addr ; Instruction at FIQ Vector location
PRESERVE8 ; tell linker: stack alignment is 8-byte
IMPORT FIQ_Handler ; use external FIQ_Handler
FIQ_Addr DCD FIQ_Handler ; FIQ Entry point
答 2: 谢谢computer00谢谢computer00,我一直以为改为RV后我没有用正确的函数头标示,也没往启动文件考虑。原来Keil的RV启动文件根本没考虑FIQ的功能,让俺好找呀!严重鄙视一下keil.
__irq void FIQ_Handler (void) {
In the Startup Code the following modification is required to call this FIQ_Handler:
Vectors LDR PC, Reset_Addr
LDR PC, FIQ_Addr ; Instruction at FIQ Vector location
PRESERVE8 ; tell linker: stack alignment is 8-byte
IMPORT FIQ_Handler ; use external FIQ_Handler
FIQ_Addr DCD FIQ_Handler ; FIQ Entry point
答 2: 谢谢computer00谢谢computer00,我一直以为改为RV后我没有用正确的函数头标示,也没往启动文件考虑。原来Keil的RV启动文件根本没考虑FIQ的功能,让俺好找呀!严重鄙视一下keil.
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