电子产品世界 » 论坛首页 » DIY与开源设计 » 设计工具 » 【设计要点】高集成度的LED驱动器

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2012-04-08 21:55:09     打赏
Once relegated to the hinterlands of low cost indicator lights, the LED is again in the spotlight of the lighting world. LED lighting is now ubiquitous, from car headlights to USB-powered lava lamps. Car headlights exemplify applications that capitalize on the LED’s clear advantages—unwavering high quality light output, tough-assteel robustness, inherent high effi ciency—while a USB lava lamp exemplifi es applications where only LEDs work. Despite these clear advantages, their requirement for regulated voltage and current make LED driver circuits more complex than the venerable light bulb, but some new devices are closing the gap. For instance, the LTM®8040 μModule™ LED driver integrates all the driver circuitry into a single package, allowing designers to refocus their time and effort on the details of lighting design critical to a product’s success.

μModule LED Driver Integrates All Circuitry, Including the.pdf

关键词: 设计     要点     集成度     驱动器    

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