Package Thermal Resistance Values (Theta JA, Theta JC) for Temperature Sensors and 1-Wire Devices
关键词: Theta JA, Theta JC, theta-ja, theta-jc, self heating, thermal dissipation, heat dissipation, power dissipation, thermal resistance, junction to case, junction to ambient, temperature, sensor, temperature sensor, thermal
Abstract: Two common thermal-resistance values measured for IC packages are junction to ambient (Theta JA) and junction to case (Theta JC). These parameters are useful for calculating maximum power dissipation and self-heating, and for comparing package types. Theta JA and Theta JC values are presented here for select Maxim temperature sensors and 1-Wire® devices. Examples for calculating the values are given.
Package Thermal Resistance Values (Theta JA, Theta JC) for Temperature Sensors and 1-Wire Devices.pdf
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