【应用笔记】视频与图像处理设计样例(Video and Image Processing Example Design)
Altera公司的视频与图像处理(Video and Image Processing,VIP)设计样例演示了对一个NTSC制式或PAL制式的标准定义视频流和与背景层混合在一起的画中画的动态缩放和裁剪。
The Altera® Video and Image Processing (VIP) Example Design demonstrates
dynamic scaling and clipping of a standard definition video stream in either National
Television System Committee (NTSC) or phase alternation line (PAL) format and
picture-in-picture mixing with a background layer. The video stream is output in high
definition resolution (1024×768) over a digital video interface (DVI).
The example design demonstrates a framework for rapid development of video and
image processing systems using the parameterizable MegaCore® functions that are
available in the Video and Image Processing Suite. Available functions are listed in
Table 1.an427.pdf
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