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2024-05-21 23:44:21     打赏

F1的LSI = 40KHz左右,而F4的是 32KHz左右。


How to use this driver
  *          ===================================================================
  *          1. Enable write access to IWDG_PR and IWDG_RLR registers using
  *             IWDG_WriteAccessCmd(IWDG_WriteAccess_Enable) function
  *          2. Configure the IWDG prescaler using IWDG_SetPrescaler() function
  *          3. Configure the IWDG counter value using IWDG_SetReload() function.
  *             This value will be loaded in the IWDG counter each time the counter
  *             is reloaded, then the IWDG will start counting down from this value.
  *          4. Start the IWDG using IWDG_Enable() function, when the IWDG is used
  *             in software mode (no need to enable the LSI, it will be enabled
  *             by hardware)
  *          5. Then the application program must reload the IWDG counter at regular
  *             intervals during normal operation to prevent an MCU reset, using
  *             IWDG_ReloadCounter() function.

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